
Shebang 一整套;整件事

瀏覽網頁時看到這麼一則廣告:“The whole shebang. Music, food, location, decoration... planning your wedding can be instantly overwhelming”,果為旁邊附有各種有關婚慶的圖片,如婚宴、婚紗懾影乃至是蜜月观光,所以很轻易猜得出shebang在這裏相噹於“packages;the whole thing”,即我們漢語中常說的“一攬子”或“一條龍”服務。


1862年,好國詩人沃尒特·惠特曼正在他的日记中初次用到shebang一詞,“The soldiers guarding the road came out from their tents or shebangs of bushes”,從整句話詞義間的彼此關係來看,shebang在這裏相噹於tents或huts,指“臨時搭建的屋棚”。


I'm sick of the whole shebang.(我對整個這件事膩正透了。)

You're wele to ride here as long as you please, but this shebang's chartered.(懽迎你儘情应用這輛馬車,不過這一整套器具是要包租的。)


President Bush Presents Congressional Gold Medal to Dr. Norm - 英語演講

July 17, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, all. Madame Speaker, thank you. Madame Speaker, Mr. Leader, members of the congressional leadership, members of the Iowa delegation, fighting Texas A&M Aggies, Dr. Borlaug and his family:

All around us are testaments to our republic's young and storied history. Yet sometimes it takes a ceremony like this to remind us what a special place America is.

Ours is a land of hope and promise and passion. And we see that passion and promise in the man we honor today -- a farm boy, educated in a one-room schoolhouse, who left the golden fields of Iowa to bee known as "The man who fed the world."

Many have highlighted Norman Borlaug's achievements in turning ordinary staples such as wheat and rice into miracles that brought hope to millions. I particularly appreciated the story about a former Vice President, and fellow Iowan, named Henry Wallace, who once came to observe Norman's grain experiments up close. The Vice President looked around, and then asked why a good Iowa boy like Norman wasn't working on something to do with corn. (Laughter.)

Norman Borlaug's life has taken him from laboratories in America and Mexico to dusty villages throughout the developing world. He has consulted with presidents and prime ministers in important countries like Pakistan and India. He's helped inspire students at Texas A&M, where an institute bearing his name is dedicated to pleting his life's work. To this day Norman leads an active life -- listen to a friend, who said that Norman spends half his year in Texas, half his year in Mexico -- and the other half wherever else he's needed. (Laughter.) That is interesting math. I was going to say that I bet some of us wish we could use that kind of math during the budget process here in the Capitol. (Laughter.) I'm afraid sometimes we do.

What that friend meant was that Norman Borlaug has lived his life with urgency. He has long understood that one of the greatest threats to global progress is the torment of human hunger. And we've seen that plague haunt history many times. Famine in the mid-1800s forced hundreds of thousands of Irish citizens to take a sad and desperate journey to America -- and turned the Atlantic Ocean into what an Irish poet called "a bowl of bitter tears." More than a century later, wrenching images of emaciated children in Ethiopia rallied the world to the tragedy of famine. Hunger continues to cast its miserable shadow across much of the developing world -- robbing villages of children, and forcing human beings to make desperate and daily searches for food and clean water.

Wealthy and prosperous nations have a moral obligation to help poor and struggling people find their own paths to progress and plenty. To whom much is given, much is required, and we've been given a lot here in America. It's the calling of our conscience, and it's a pelling national interest. A quote that Dr. Borlaug made reference to when he received the Nobel Prize says it well: "You can't build peace on empty stomachs."

In the past half-century, we have seen a glimpse of the world that is yet to e. Since the end of the World War II, the advance of trade and technology has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. That's really the triumph of human liberty stretching across natural boundaries. It is a tribute to innovation and entrepreneurship. And these are the istics that can be found in the very best of our citizens, such as the man we honor today.

When Dr. Borlaug received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from one of my predecessors, Gerald Ford, the citation noted that Norman's work "has pushed back the shadow of hunger on this planet and given us precious time to force its final retreat." That final retreat will e only as long as we hold in our hearts the revolutionary spirit of men like Norman Borlaug, whose Green Revolution brought hope to troubled corners of the world, where grateful villagers still praise his name.

The most fitting tribute we can offer this good man is to renew ourselves to his life's work, and lead a second Green Revolution that feeds the world, and today we'll make a pledge to do so.

Dr. Borlaug, I thank you for your vision and dedication. I thank you for leading a life of great purpose and achievement. I thank you for proving to Americans that what we learned as children is true, that one human being can change the world. May God bless you, sir. May God continue to bless our wonderful country.

And now I ask the Speaker and Senator Reid to join me for the Gold Medal Presentation.

(The Congressional Gold Medal is presented.) (Applause.)




1. The starting salary I require is HK$6,500 per month.


2. I require a salary of $4,500 a month to begin with.


3. The salary I require would be $60,000 a year, plus one percent commission on all sales.


4. My desired starting salary is 10,000 yuan.


5.I require a monthly salary of 12,000 yuan, plus housing.


6. I require a commencing salary of 9,600 yuan a month.


7. I am quite willing to start at a small salary.


8. In regards to salary, I'll leave it to you to decide after you have seen the kind of work I can do.


9. However, the matter of remuneration will take care of itself, as it always does, if other things are all right.


10. I am willing to work on a trial basis for a small salary for several months, if necessary.



President Bush Participates in Meeting on Health Savings Acc - 英語演講

April 2, 20

11:24 A,英文翻譯.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: A cornerstone of good health care policy is to make sure that patients and docs are in charge of medical decisions. And therefore, one of the objectives of this administration has been to encourage the expansion of products like health savings accounts. And today I have met with some small business owners, some employees of panies that have provided health savings accounts for them.

And I'm pleased to report that people have e to realize the benefits of health savings accounts, such as, one, health savings accounts are affordable for individuals and small businesses. In other words, if you're a small business owner and you're worried about providing good health care for your employees, you ought to look into a health savings account as a way to provide that benefit to your employees.

Secondly, health savings accounts enable a person to save, tax-free, for medical expenses. By making rational decisions about your life, you'll end up with more money in your health savings account, on a tax-free basis.

And thirdly, that savings account is something you can carry with you from job to job. A lot of people in America change jobs on a regular basis,翻譯公司, and they are deeply concerned about whether or not they'll have a health care plan when they change jobs. And the health savings account enables you to carry your money that you've saved on a tax-free basis from one job to the next.

You know, two years ago there was -- about a million of our citizens had health savings accounts. And today,翻譯社, over 5 million people have health savings accounts -- or nearly 5 million people have health savings accounts. It's up -- actually,翻譯, you can see from the chart the growth -- 4.5 million people. And that's a 43-percent increase from last year to this year, and the number of people that are beginning to realize the benefits of health savings accounts.

And interestingly enough, of those who purchased -- of individuals who purchased health savings accounts, about 25 percent of them were uninsured,論文翻譯. In other words, health savings accounts enable someone who is uninsured to realize the benefits of private insurance, and in an affordable way.

I strongly believe that the United States Congress needs to strengthen health savings accounts, just like they need to make sure that the tax code treats every person in America fairly. And that's why I've suggested we change the tax code to enable the small business owner, the self-employed, or the individual worker to be able to have more affordable insurance. There's a lot we can do together to empower the individual in this country to be in charge of his or her health care decisions.

So I want to thank my fellow Americans for joining us. I really appreciate the discussion we had. We've got people from Minnesota and Texas and Georgia and Michigan. These are people who are beginning to realize the benefits of health savings,韓文翻譯. And I thank you for sharing your with me. Thank you.

END 11:27 A.M. EDT


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