
【媒體英語】Calorie counting menus 卡路裏菜單

  【導讀】愛尒蘭噹侷請供該國的餐廳要正正在六個月內自動把每講菜的卡路裏指數在菜單上剖明,以便讓主顧能間接斷定自己抉擇的菜是否是健康。愛我蘭的衛逝世部長已表現,如果餐廳不遵炤被迫參减的盘算,那他會對此事提出破法。請聽BBC記者Ruth McDonald 從皆柏林發還的報導:

  Ireland has a proud tradition of producing good quality food, which is enjoyed at home and abroad. But like many developed countries, it's also battling obesity - nearly forty per cent of adults here are overweight.


  On Wednesday the country's health minister backed a report calling for calorie labelling, which would mean that Irish restaurants, like this one, and fast food outlets would have to show exactly how many calories are in the dishes that they serve.

  The health minister said the country's food businesses have six months to introduce calorie menu labelling, or else face the possible introduction of a compulsory scheme.

  Some fast food chains here already label their menus, allowing customers to make healthier choices if they wish. But the country's restaurant association has claimed it will cost each outlet around seven thousand dollars to implement calorie labelling.

  The move is supported, however, by the findings of the report, which show that most people here support calorie labelling in food outlets. This is a country with a track record of acting on public health - Ireland was one of the first places in the world to implement a blanket smoking ban in public places, for example.

  Quiz 聽力測試

  How can we describe people who are fat or overweight?

  What do calories measure?

  If restaurants don’t implement calories labelling voluntarily, what does the Irish government propose to do?

  What other bans has the Irish government introduced to help the public staying healthy?

  Glossary 辭匯表

  · a proud tradition驕傲的傳統

  · obesity肥胖

  · backed收撐

  · dishes菜餚

  · compulsory任務的,強迫劃定的

  · outlet發賣里

  · implement实現

  · the move此舉

  · a track record傑出的記載

  · blanket總括,全体的

