
【地道英語】Keep your chin up!

  The script of this programme 本節目台詞

  Rob visits Helen in hospital)

  Rob: How are you feeling, Helen?

  Helen: 感謝你往看我,Rob. 我好受死了! 我的腿摔斷了,下巴也給摔腫了,又青又紫 my pride is hurt! 太爭臉了!我周終往滑雪,摔了一下,竟然給摔成了這個模樣!

  Rob: Oh, bad luck, really. But your leg will heal and your bruises will disappear soon, Helen,證書翻譯. There will be no sign of them in a few weeks.

  Helen: 出錯,我的腿會好的,我腫脹的下巴再過几周也會還本的,可是我噹初疼呀!But I am in pain! 疼逝世了,痛去世了!

  Rob: But you'll get better, Helen. Keep your chin up!

  Why does Rob tell Helen to 'keep her chin up'?

  Helen: Keep my chin up?! (Talking to herself) 把下巴舉高?這多是新療法吧?Rob 总是曉得一些恰恰圓或代替療法,讲不定那會有助於血液輪回。(To him) Is this good for circulation, Rob?

  Rob: No Helen, it doesn't help your circulation! Just keep your chin up but... well, but... What are you doing? That's not what I mean.

  Helen: 你不是這個意義? 我的下巴已舉下了,豈非抬得還不够下嗎?Will it help my bruises disappear, Rob?

  Rob: Not really. But it will make you feel better, Helen.

  Helen: Keep my chin up 不會輔助消腫,但是會讓我觉得好一些?! How come, Rob?

  Rob: Well, in English, when we tell someone to keep their chin up we are telling them to stay positive in a tough situation. Let's listen to some examples.

  · "When young people say it is difficult to earn a living nowadays, I tell them to work hard, keep their chin up and they will go to places."

  · "I've just had an argument with my husband. My daughter said she wants to leave school and my cat ran away. I feel like crying. Sometimes it's hard to keep my chin up."

  Helen: Oh, I've got it. 噹你要激勵一小我俬傢正正在困境中不要悲觀的時辰就可以夠說 keep your chin up! 這讓我緊了一口气,Rob. 您看高下擺佈這麼一开騰,我的下巴现在比喻才借痛呢。

  Rob: Sure, you can relax your chin now. And next time you go to some slope for some skiing make sure you stay on the nursery slopes..!

  Helen: 你說幼兒園滑坡?!那是為小孩女籌備的!That's for kids!!

  Rob: Not just for kids, Helen... it's for beginners! Anyway, don't be angry! Keep your chin up, Helen! With a lot of training, one day you'll be a great skier!

  Helen: Yes, 或許你是對的,中韓翻譯,如果 keep my chin up 并且多練習,興許我终將會成為一名優良的滑雪健將!

  Rob: Bye for now.

  Helen: Bye.

